Beneafit of Helaing Vegetables

Beneafit of Helaing Vegetables

Vegetables included in the list of foods that should be consumed every day. As well as fruits, vegetables also supply fiber that is needed by the body to facilitate the digestive process.

However, it was not only for the health benefits of vegetables. Contained vegetable fiber also serves to bind cholesterol in the digestive tract so that the cholesterol can not be reabsorbed by the body.

Dr Charles Client, a nutritionist from New York said that the benefits of vegetables and fruits, especially those made into juice, can remove fat in the body, eliminating the bad cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

Many types of vegetables that we can choose to be consumed, both to be cooked, eaten as a salad, or made into juice. Created like anything, we still can feel the benefits of vegetables for our health.

Know Some Kind of Vegetables and Benefits

Here are some of the types and benefits of vegetables for our bodies:


Lettuce is very effective for weight loss because it contains iron and magnesium, which help the work uretik. In addition, lettuce is also good for those suffering from cough and insomnia, purify the blood and remove excess fat in the body.

Spinach and Kale

Both of these vegetables contain lots of vitamin A, vitamin C, minerals, iron, calcium, and potassium. The benefits of this vegetable for the body is to eliminate various diseases in the body, such as asthma, colic, anemia, bronchitis, pneumonia, konstipa I, osteoporosis, fatigue, and lack of calcium.


Celery contains sodium which serves as a solvent to remove calcium deposits involving the kidneys and joints. Calcium in the kidney itself can lead to impaired renal function. Celery is also beneficial for people with skin allergies, eczema, psoriasis, difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity, and relieve stress.

Oyster Mushroom

The oyster mushroom is useful for preventing hypertension, heart disease, reduce weight, cure anemia, diabetes, and anti-cancer. Types of other fungi, such as mushroom, mushroom, and shitake mushroom, champignon mushroom and also has many health benefits.


Wortek not only good for eye health because it has vitamin A and beta-carotene are high. There are many more benefits of this bright orange vegetables, among others: treat eczema, treat intestinal worms (pinworms), fever, burns, pain during menstruation, skin smoothing, up to treat hypertension.

mustard greens

Green cabbage useful to prevent cancer, heart disease, hypertension, and anemia.


Beans useful for treating diabetes. In the beans are substances B-sitosterol and stigmasterol were able to stimulate the pancreas to increase insulin production in the body.


Research conducted by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society indicates that broccoli is useful for treating Alzheimer's disease and improve brain power.


Vegetables that taste bitter melon is useful as an anthelmintic, cough, mouth sores, wounds drugs, antimalarial, and appetite enhancer. Various studies conducted in countries such as Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom found that bitter melon contains saponins, polyphenols (antioxidants), cucurbitacin glycosides, flavonoids, charantin, and momordicin useful for treating diabetes. In addition, the protein content momorcharin alpha and beta and protein MAP30 (Momordica Antiviral Protein 30) contained in the bitter melon is also useful as antiviral HIV.