Pare vegetables Bitter With Myriad Benefits For Women

Not all women like bitter vegetables such as bitter melon or known as bitter melon or pariah (momordica charantina) is often used as a traditional medicine in some countries such as Brazil and Mexico but sometimes you may wonder what you get from this bitter vegetable? It was not just the fruit that have properties to your pare leaves also have the ability to digestive problems.
Pare is a creeping plant, the fruit resembles a cucumber but have skin wrinkles and distinctive taste, bitter. Pare there are many types and thrives in several countries, including Indonesia. In the pare there is the content that actually has the ability to prevent some diseases such as the charantin, vicine there are also other bioactive compounds are healthy for your body.

This He Vegetables Pare Benefits For You:

1. Expel Diabetes
The presence of antidiabetic in pare believed to reduce the risk of diabetes in you. In addition, the ability of bioactive contained in bitter melon vegetable seeds so as to prevent an increase in blood sugar after eating.

2. Preventing Cancer Cells
Women are susceptible to some cancers that makes a threat to himself, cervical cancer as a killer nomber one followed by breast cancer Rated further, so it's important to you in warding off cancer cells. Pare has the ability to ward off cancer cells with a substance that turns lesichin useful in improving immunity and ward off cancer cells in your body.

3. Lose Weight
Pare is a vegetable which is recommended for those who want to lose weight or maintain a stable weight. In a cup of bitter melon turns out to have 16 calories so as to make you to control your appetite and make you full faster. Not hurt you to take pare in your diet that helps you get the ideal body weight.

4. Clean the Blood
Pare vegetables contain substances that are able to clean your blood. You can consume it in a way so that the juice to get maximum results. Regular consumption in the morning and evening, thus can help you in cleansing the blood.

5. Combating HIV / AIDS
The presence of alpha protein content momocharin or MAP-30 was able to limit the progression of HIV. Pernytaan is supported by a study carried out in some patients with AIDS were given bitter melon extract and the results of the patient's immune system increases.

6. Smooth Digestion
Pare vegetables rich in fiber, vitamin C, potassium and carotene. Bitter taste in vegetables pare turned out very well to assist you in dealing with digestive problems. You may add your dinner menu with some pare processed.

7. Overcoming Asthma
A study by the consumption of vegetables pare turns responding to the senses of taste that cells actively respiratory tract and cause respiratory tract becomes wider and the inclusion of a strong air flow. This is great for those who suffer from asthma.

8. Beauty
Not many people know that it turns vitamin C produced by pare can assist you in maintaining your beauty besides the threat of the adverse effects of ultraviolet rays can be prevented by consuming vegetables pare.
It also turned out to pare vegetables can also reduce fever, ulcers, amoebic dysentery, hemorrhoids, bronchitis malaria drugs and jaundice. Do you still hesitate to consume vegetables pare, having learned a lot of benefits for your health.

Benefits of aloe vera

CROP has been often we encounter and is not foreign. Aloe vera (Aloe vera L) was first discovered in 1500 BC. This plant turned out to have many health benefits and drugs of various diseases. Some historical evidence mentioned, many nations (Arabic, Roman, Greek, Indian, and Chinese) using aloe vera as a raw material for medicine to cure various kinds of diseases. And Cleopatra reportedly use this plant to care for her beauty. Aloe vera is a plant that is easy to grow, in the area of the earthy humus mixed with sand, enough sunlight and watering well.
An American citizen discovered the benefits of aloe vera gel in 1940. According to the aloe vera can protect the body from the sun. Some of the results of recent studies showing the benefits of aloe vera, namely:

Slow down the HIV virus
Aloe vera gel is believed to strengthen the immune system. Substances contained in it may inhibit the action of the HIV virus or stimulate the immune system of AIDS patients.
Improve the digestive system.
Consumption of aloe vera is known to help facilitate the digestive system. Substance aloemoedin and aloebarbadiod contained therein is a compound that belonged to anthraquinone.

As an antiseptic and natural antibiotic.
One of the substances contained in aloe vera (saponins), believed effective to kill germs. While the anthraquinone compounds can relieve pain, and function as antibiotics. In addition, it is also able to stimulate the formation of new cells in the skin.

Protects skin from dehydration.
Lignin content in the gel can protect the skin from dryness and keep the humidity. Lignin is utilized for various cosmetics manufacturers of skin care and beauty products.

Aloe vera has many benefits, interesting food producers to cultivate this plant as food ingredients. Some are used as sweets, juice, powder, and aloe vera gel. There also used aloe vera drinks, believed to treat heartburn.
Meat aloe vera can be used as a variety of delicious food. Aloe vera has a chewy texture and refreshing taste. Suitable as a mixed salad, stir-fry, juice, or candied. Some tips that can help you in the process of aloe vera as food, reducing the unpleasant aroma owned, bitter taste, and lenders are as follows:

1. Select meats thick fleshy aloe vera. Peel rather thick. The meat is taken colored transparent / translucent. Cut to the desired size.

2. Soak in lukewarm water that has been mixed with a little salt and nitric acid. Let stand for two hours, then wash, and drain.

3. Or it could be after the peel, wash and knead pieces of aloe vera in water mixed with salt. If the mucus has been lost, soak in water whiting or alum in order to obtain a more crisp texture and supple. Once washed, the aloe vera pieces ready to eat. It turns out that the benefits of aloe vera really a lot yes, for's Health.


Benefits of sweet potato

SWEET potato or sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is a plant whose roots are edible. There are various types of potatoes in corners of this earth.
Potato starch, sucrose, and cellulose. Sweet potatoes also contain carbohydrates that are needed by the human body.

The high cost of rice commodity lately is felt by all the people of Indonesia, although the development of food security has been initiated since long. The increasing price of all basic needs (not just rice) cause we have to think to exploit the natural resources that exist. Is not the time to find out who is wrong and who should be responsible prepared in this regard, but it would be more useful if we jointly find the best solution to get out of the problem.

Sumber : Direktorat Gizi Depkes RI, 1981, Suismono, 1995)
One of the countless food commodities in Indonesia is very large tubers. In addition to the production lot number, type of tubers have good enough nutrients to replace rice as a staple food. Ubi rich in prebiotics, fiber and antioxidants. One type of tubers of the most famous is the sweet potato.

Sweet potato is an important food commodity in Indonesia that can be processed into a variety of food and Cultivated Populations ranging from lowlands to highlands. Sweet potato plants have nutritional content is Able to adapt in less fertile areas and cleaning. Thus Spake this plant can be grown throughout the year.
In this case the targets to be Achieved is to increase of added value, develop agricultural processing businesses, reduce post-harvest losses and the development of supporting industries of agriculture (Hanani: 2003).
Sweet potato or yam or "sweet potato" probably derived from the American continent. The botanist and agricultural estimate the origin of sweet potato plants are New Zealand, Polynesian and American middle. Sweet potatoes begin to spread throughout the world, especially countries in the tropical climate of the 16th century. The Spaniards spread the sweet potato into Asia, par- ticularly the Philippines, Japan and Indonesia. In on certain areas, the sweet potato is a staple food commodities. Sweet potato can be processed into various shapes or various kinds of processed products.
Some opportunities diversify the type of use yams be processed materials are: 1. Leaves: vegetables, fodder
2. Stem: planting materials, animal feed
3. Skin potato: fodder
4. Fresh potatoes: groceries
5. Flour: food
6. Starch: dermentasi, fodder, citric acid
One of the results of the processing of cassava that is easy and can be useful for the community is made potato flour.

Some of the benefits of sweet potatoes
Can be used to cure night blindness. Half fist red sweet potatoes washed and shredded. After that, disampur with 3 tablespoons of cooking water and 2 tablespoons of honey. Then squeezed and filtered. Drink filtered water concoction is 3 times a day until healed.
As a hangover on the way. Take a taste of sweet potatoes, wash and eat little by little during the trip.
Chemical constituents in sweet potatoes are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories, fiber, ash, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamin B1, B2, C, and nicotinic acid. According to expert Prof. Hembing Wijayakusuma medicinal plants, yams have chemical properties sweet, cool, astringent. Efficacious pharmacological effects as a tonic, to stop the bleeding. The part that can be used is potato and leaves. Sweet potato can be used to cope with diabetes (diabetes mellitus), How to take 100 grams of yam, 15 grams of pumpkin skin Bligo (Benincasa hispida), and 50 grams of avocado seeds boiled with 1,000 cc of water until the remaining 500 cc. Then filtered and drunk the water, while ubinya eaten.


Benefits of fish oil

TYPE oil this one is not to fry tempeh or crackers. Fish oil is very good for the growth and development of the child.

Yes, although classified as family-minyakan oil, fish oil for frying but not a "food" additional source of nutrients. In fact, fish oil, including food sources of fat low cholesterol, so the nutrition and health experts have agreed to give the label "safe" for consumption by infants, toddlers, and adults.

Although a good nutritional value, but the oil content in fish is determined by several factors, namely fish species, sex, age (maturity level), seasons, spawning cycle, and the geographic location of the waters where the fish live.

Why is it better?
Actually, types of fatty acids in fish oil, there are three, namely:
- Unsaturated fatty acids (do not have a double bond in the carbon chain), such as palmitate.
- Monounsaturated fatty acids (have one double bond in the carbon chain), for example oleic.
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids (has more than one double bond in the carbon chain), for example, linoleic, linolenic, Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and dokosaheksanoat acid (DHA).
All you need to know, the longer the carbon chain of a type of fatty acid and the greater number of double bonds in the carbon chain constituent, the fatty acids it will be "rich" health benefits.
Fish oil is one of the nutrients that contain fatty acids that benefit the rich, because it contains approximately 25% saturated fatty acids and 75% unsaturated fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (polyunsaturated fatty acids / PUFA) in it will help the growth and development of the brain (intelligence), as well as the development of the sense of sight and the immune system of infants and toddlers.
There are 2 types of PUFAs are very famous, namely DHA and EPA, where the combined configuration of carbon atoms are both known as omega-3. Marine fish species are "rich" content of omega-3 include salmon, tuna (especially bluefin tuna, yellow fin tuna, and albacore), sardines, herring, mackerel, and shellfish.

Fish oil also contains vitamins A and D -two types of vitamins are soluble in fats in high amounts. Benefits of Vitamin A helps the development of the eye, while the vitamin D for the growth and formation of strong bones. Well, the two levels of this vitamin in the body of the fish will increase in line with increasing age. Generally, levels of vitamin A in fish oil ranged between 1000-1000000 SI (International Standard) per gram, while vitamin D around 50-30000 SI per gram.

How much should be consumed?
Consumption of fish oil per day infants and toddlers are based on weight. For example, if your child's weight 10 kg, he consume enough fish oil as much as one teaspoon per day. If the weight more than 10 kg, use a tablespoon servings form, because the amount of their needs will also increase.

Actually, there is no way easy set-dose fish oil consumption for children. Just follow the rules that exist in the packaging. Fish oil products syrup for children who are sold on the market generally have added other nutrients, so the size of the dosage was adjusted between existing nutrient content to the needs of the child. However, if you feel the need, it is better if it is to consult your pediatrician.

What also needs to be addressed is how fish oil storage. Given the fat oxidation process which can damage the quality of fish oil could happen anywhere (consequently become rancid), keep the fish oil in a sealed container and place it in a cool place.

Fish oil heart Sehatkan
Benefits of heart-healthy fish oils regained certainty. Darius Mozzafarian research results of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston prove it. Mozzafarian conducted a study of 11 324 patients with heart disease. They were divided into three groups, namely that given a fish oil supplement that had the omega-3, vitamin E supplement, and are in no way given supplements.

As a result, the group taking fish oil supplements as much as one gram per day, reduce the risk of sudden fatal heart attack 45%, and reduces the risk of death from heart attack others as much as 30%. Research in 1970 found the Eskimos are very small risk of heart panyakit. The main factor because they eat a lot of fish. Mozzaffarian add the right fish oil consumption is two to four grams per day, and the right fish consumption is twice a week.

Various sources of reading

Benefits of Soy

SOYBEAN (sometimes plus a "nut" in front of his name) is one of the leguminous plants which forms the basis of much of the East Asian food such as soy sauce, tofu, and tempeh. Based on archaeological heritage, this plant has been cultivated since 3500 years ago in East Asia. White soy was introduced to Nusatara by immigrants from China since the rise of trade with China, while the black soybean has been long known the locals. Soybean is a major source of vegetable protein and vegetable oil. The main producers of soy are the United States even though the world is practically new soybean cultivated community outside Asia after 1910.

Diversity and cultivation
Soybeans are cultivated actually consists of at least two species: Glycine max (soybean called white, the seeds can be yellow, slightly white, or green) and Glycine soja (soybean black, black seeds). G. max is native to subtropical regions of Asia such as China and southern Japan, while G. soja is native to tropical Asia in Southeast Asia. This plant has spread to Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and Indonesia.

Some cultivars of white soy cultivation in Indonesia, among which are 'Ringgit', 'Order', 'Lokon', 'Darros', and 'Wilis'. "Edamame" is a kind of green soybeans large seed that has not been known in Indonesia and comes from Japan.

Soybeans grown in paddy fields and dry fields (fields). Planting is usually done at the end of the rainy season, after the rice harvest. Earthworks usually minimal. Seeds are inserted directly in the holes made. Usually within 20-30cm. Basic nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer is needed, but after the addition of nitrogen to grow crops do not provide any benefit. Land that has not been planted with soybeans is recommended given the "starter" nitrogen-fixing bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum to help plant growth. Penugalan done when the plant soil teenager (early vegetative phase), as well as the cleaning of weeds and the second phase of phosphate fertilizer. Ahead of flowering fertilizer potassium is recommended although many farmers who neglect to save costs.

Soy is known by various names: sojaboom, soja, soja Bohne, soybean, soybean, peanut Ramang, fur bean, pea gimbol, crack mejong, kaceng fur, japanese beans, dekenana, demekun, dele, kadele, sometimes japanese, lebui bawak, lawui , sarupapa sodium absorption ratio, dole, kadule, puwe mon, yellow beans (Aceh) and gadelei. These names indicate that soy has long been known in Indonesia.

Soybean is an annual dicotyledonous herb with little branching, root system taproot, and stem berkambium. Soy can change the appearance of being half-propagating plants in low lighting conditions. Soybean, especially white soy from subtropical regions, is also a short-day plant with a critical time average of 13 hours. He will soon be ready to bloom when the long flowering period of less than 13 hours a day. This explains the low production in the tropics, because it is too early flowering plants.

Soy beans into pieces two, wrapped in skin and seeds contain no endospperma network. Located between pieces of seed embryo. Yellow seed coat color, black, green, brown. Navel seeds (hilum) is a former seed tissue attached to the fruit wall. Form of soy beans generally oval tetapai some are round or slightly flattened round.

Dry soybean seed will germinate when obtaining adequate water. Soy Sprouts classified epigeous, ie pieces of seed appear above ground. Hypocotyl color, which is part of the stem sprouts under kepaing, purple or green color associated with flowers. Berhipokotil soybean flowering lilac purple, medium green berhipokotil white flowering. Soy Sprouts can be used as vegetables (bean sprouts).

Soybean plants have a taproot that form the roots of branches that grow sideways (horizontal) not far from the surface of the ground. If the soil moisture down, the roots will grow into in order to absorb nutrients and water. Growth to the side can reach a distance of 40 cm, with a depth of up to 120 cm. In addition to functioning as a bertumpunya plant and conveyance of water and nutrients, the roots of soybean plants is also home to the formation of nodules. Nodule in the form of colonies of nitrogen-fixing bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum which is a mutual symbiosis with soybean. On land that already contains these bacteria, nodules begin to form around 15-20 days after planting. Root nodule bacteria can fix nitrogen from the air in the form of N2 gas that can then be used by soybean after oxidized to nitrate (NO3).

Soybean trunked with 30-100 cm tall. Stems can form 3-6 branches, but when the distance between the plants meeting, the branch to be reduced, or no branching at all. Type of stem growth can be divided into limited (determinate), unlimited (indeterminate), and half-limited (semi-indeterminate). Limited type has distinctive features simultaneous flowering and end the rising growth. Short to medium plants, rod ends almost as large as the center of the stem, leaves as big as the top of the middle stem leaves. Type unlimited flowering characterized gradually from the bottom up and the plants continue to grow. Plants berpostur moderate to high, the rod tip is smaller than the middle. Type half-limited has characteristics between the two types.

Soybean flowers including perfect flowers that every flower has male tool and female tool. Pollination occurs when the petals are still closed so that the possibility of interbreeding natural minuscule. Interest lies in stem segments, purple or white. Not all flowers can be pollinated pods occurred despite perfectly. Approximately 60% of flowers fall before forming pods.

Soybean pod-shaped fruit. Each plant is capable of producing 100-250 pods. Soybean pods hairy and brownish yellow or gray. During the ripening process of fruits, pods are green at first will turn into black.

In the book (nodes) first plants that grow from seed to form a pair of single leaf. Furthermore, in all the books on it to form a compound leaf is always with three strands. Single leaf blade has a short stalk and leaf stalk has a rather long threes. Each leaf is oval, thin, and green. Downy leaf surface (trichoma) on both sides. Buds or flowers will appear in the armpit petiole compound. After dark, the leaves turn yellow and fall, ranging from the leaves stuck to the bottom of the stem.

Processed products of soybean

In Indonesia, soybeans became a major source of vegetable protein nutrition, although Indonesia has to import most of the soybean needs. This happens because the high Indonesia needs to be white soy. White soy instead of native tropical plants, so the result is always lower than in Japan and China. Breeding and domistika have not managed to completely change the nature of the white soybean photosynthesis. On the other hand, black soybeans are not photosensitive received less attention in breeding though in terms of adaptation is more suitable for Indonesia.
Soy is a versatile plant. Because the roots have nitrogen-fixing nodules free, soy is a plant with a high protein content so that the plants used as green manure and fodder.

The main uses of soy is from seed. Soy beans are rich in protein and fat as well as several other important nutrients, such as vitamins (phytic acid) and lecithin. Processed grains can be made into:
Tofu (tofu),
various seasoning sauce (one of which soy sauce, which was originally made from black soybeans), Tempe
Soy milk (good for sensitive people lactose),
soy flour,
oil (from here can be made soaps, plastics, cosmetics, resins, inks, crayons, solvents, and biodiesel.

Soy benefits for young and breast cancer
Yes ... almost everyone knows, soy beans are high in protein. However, many people do not know that soy is a major source of isoflavones, which have been shown to have a number of benefits for the body. One of these durable guarantee healthy skin by maintaining skin elasticity, making it look younger.
Isoflavones also contains one of the active substances of phytoestrogens. Usefulness hormone estrogen. When consumed regularly, can improve skin elasticity and reduce the effects of premature aging.

According to dr. Deby Susanti Vinski, expert beauty and anti-aging French graduates, to, isoflavones can maintain hormonal balance and function as antioxidants, so the effect on increasing skin moisture.
"Effects of phytoestrogen consumption, reduced wrinkles. Same with the results of hormone therapy to ensure healthy skin and reduce premature aging, which is characterized by sustained resilience or elasticity of the skin, "said dr. Deby.

The chemical structure of isoflavones and estrogen was almost the same. Not surprisingly, isoflavones are often called natural estrogen hormone replacement or phytoestrogens.

"The content of isoflavones in soy effectively absorbed by the human body. Isoflavones are estrogenic, they increase estrogen hormone. Thus, soy consumption useful for those approaching or already experiencing menopause, "he said.

In contrast, for patients with breast cancer or ovarian cancer that excess estrogen, isoflavones have antiestrogenic properties. That is, help the blockade of estrogen in order to move down.
With these features, for women who want to have a healthy and stay young one if it is advisable to increase the consumption of soy and its derivatives such as milk and flour.

Soy Isoflavones have been proven by many scientific studies. Among done Masayuki Arii, Kikkoman Co., Ltd. Biochemical Division (2005).

The Japanese researchers studied 26 women aged 30-40 years. Revealed that consumption of isoflavones for three months is able to withstand severe conditions do not become wrinkles and improve skin elasticity.

Overall dr. Deby conclude, the benefits of isoflavones is not just to reduce wrinkles on the skin and stimulate collagen formation, but also has many benefits, among others:
1. Improve the metabolism of fat, as well as weight control.
2. At the time of menopause, estrogen is reduced and no longer in production of the body.
Thus, often have problems such as sleeplessness and wrinkled skin. Similarity properties of isoflavones with estrogen makes this substance is so great and is able to inhibit the rate of premature aging.
3. Helps prevent osteoporosis
Several studies have been done to link the consumption of calcium in osteoporosis management. The addition of calcium and estrogen are conducted on 72 postmenopausal women showed a reduction in bone mass loss.
4. Helps reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and may reduce the risk of heart disease,

Through the research conducted by Food and Drug Administration United States. The study shows that eating 4 servings of soy foods each day, the levels of LDL in the blood can be reduced up to 10%, which means it can reduce the risk of heart disease by 20%
Therefore, the consumption of foods containing isoflavones soon enough so beautiful inside and out. Want a practical, just try diligently taking Soyjoy, one that processed soy products oven baked.


Benefits of Broccoli

Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. Italica Group) is a vegetable that is included in the cabbage family or Brassicaceae. Broccoli comes from the Mediterranean and has been cultivated since ancient Greek times. These vegetables into Indonesia recently (around 1970) and is now quite popular as a food ingredient.
The edible parts of broccoli is green flower heads are compact like a tree branch with a thick stem. Most of the flower heads surrounded by foliage. Most similar to broccoli cauliflower, but broccoli is green, while the white cauliflower.
Broccoli is a plant that lives in cold weather.

As a food, usually boiled or steamed broccoli, or can be eaten raw. Broccoli contains vitamin C and dietary fiber in large quantities. Broccoli also contains compounds glukorafanin, which is a natural form of anticancer compounds sulforafana (sulforaphane). In addition, broccoli contains isothiocyanate compounds, as sulforafana, suspected to have anticancer activity.
The benefits of broccoli for breast cancer
Although it has been known to consume certain vegetables, such as broccoli, can help prevent breast cancer, but the mechanism is not known active part in the vegetables that hinder the spread of cells.

Some scientists at the University of California, Santa Barbara, reported their new research has shown that vegetables like energy healing works at the cellular level in Washington, Tuesday (23/12). The results of the study published in the journal Carcinogenesis, published in December.

"People can protect themselves from breast cancer by eating vegetables that can be eaten like cabbage and immediate family such as broccoli and cauliflower," said lead study author Olga Azarenko.

"These vegetables contain compounds called isothiocyanates which we believe to be responsible for the activities of anti-carcinogenik and-cancer prevention in these vegetables," he said.

Their research focused on the anti-cancer activity in one of these compounds, called "sulforaphane", or SFN.
It has been shown reduce the occurrence and rate of breast tumors caused by chemicals in animals. These substances inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells in humans, resulting in cell death.
The researchers made a surprising finding, SFN prevent the spread of human tumor cells by a mechanism similar to the way anti-cancer drugs "taxol" and "vincristine" blocking cell division submarine "mitosis" is the process of division of the genome has been duplicated by the cell into two identical cells produced by cell division.

However SFN is much weaker compared with other drugs based on plants, so not too much is toxic.
"SFN may be an effective cancer preventive agent because SFN blocking proliferation and kills precancerous cells," said the study's authors.

The materials may also be used as an adjunct to "taxol" and other similar drugs to increase effective killing of tumor cells without increased toxicity.


Benefit of Helaing Tea

TEA is a drink that contains caffeine, an infusion that is made by brewing the leaves, leaf buds, dried leaves or stems of the plant Camellia sinensis in hot water. Tea from tea plants were divided into 4 groups: black tea, oolong tea, green tea and white tea.
The term "tea" is also used to drink made from fruit, spices or other herbs are brewed, for example, rosehip tea, chamomile, chrysanthemum and jiaogulan. The tea does not contain tea leaves called herbal teas.
Tea is a natural source of caffeine, theophylline and antioxidants with high levels of fat, carbohydrate or protein close to zero percent. Tea tasted a little bitter when drunk which is its own pleasure of tea.

Flower tea with jasmine flower buds mixture called jasmine tea or jasmine scented tea is the most popular type of tea in Indonesia. Tea consumption in Indonesia of 0.8 kilograms per capita per year is still far below other countries in the world, even though Indonesia is the fifth largest tea producer in the world.

Processing of tea and grouping
Tea grouped by way of processing. Tea leaves of Camellia sinensis soon wither and oxidised if not dried quickly after picking. The drying process makes the leaves become dark, due to chlorophyll breakdown and release of tannin elements. The next process in the form of wet heating with steam in order to evaporate the water content in the leaves and the oxidation process can be stopped at a predetermined stage.

Processing of tea leaves is often referred to as "fermentation" despite the fact that the use of this term is not appropriate. Tea processing does not use yeast and no ethanol produced like the actual fermentation process. Processing of tea that is not true it can cause overgrown tea fungus resulting in the fermentation process. Tea that has been fermented with mushrooms should be discarded, because they contain toxic substances and carcinogenic elements.

Grouping of tea based on the level of oxidation:
white tea
Tea made from the leaf that does not undergo oxidation and as yet learned protected from sunlight to hinder the formation of chlorophyll. White tea is produced in much smaller amounts than other types of tea so that price becomes more expensive. White tea is less well known outside of China, albeit slowly white tea in a tea bag packaging are also gaining in popularity.

green tea
The tea leaves are used as green tea usually processed immediately after being picked. After the leaves undergo oxidation in the minimum amount, the oxidation process is stopped by heating (traditional Japanese way of using steam or traditional Chinese way with menggongseng on hot griddle). Dried tea can be sold in the form of leaf tea or tightly rolled shaped like small balls (tea called gun powder).

The oxidation process is stopped in the middle between green tea and black tea which usually takes 2-3 days.

Black tea or red tea
The tea leaves are left fully oxidized about 2 weeks to 1 month. Black tea is the most common type of tea in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh) and most of the countries in Africa such as Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Malawi and Zimbabwe. The literal translation of the script language Chinese hanzi for tea (红茶) or (紅茶) in Japanese is "red tea" because water is actually red tea. Westerners call it "black tea" because black tea leaves. In South Africa, "red tea" is the designation for rooibos tea herbal tea which belonged. Black tea is divided into 2 types: Orthodox (tea mixed with traditional processing methods) or CTC (Crush tea production methods, Tear, Curl has developed since 1932). Black tea that has not been mixed (unblended) grouped by plantation origin, year of production, and harvesting period (early spring, picking second, or fall). Orthodox tea types and CTS is divided again by the post-production quality standards leaves Orange Pekoe.

Pu-erh (Pou Lei in Cantonese)
Pu-erh tea is composed of two types: "raw" and "mature." Pu-erh tea is still "raw" can be directly used to make tea or stored for some time to "mature". During storage, pu-erh tea undergoes oxidation microbiology second stage. Pu-erh tea "mature" is made from tea leaves undergo oxidation artificially in order to resemble the taste of pu-erh tea "raw" which has long kept and experience the natural aging process. Pu-erh tea "mature" made by controlling the humidity and temperature of the tea leaves is similar to the composting process. Pu-erh tea is usually sold in solid form such as compressed into bricks, small plates or bowls. Pu-erh tea pressed so that the second phase oxidation process can be run, as pu-erh teas are not pressed will not undergo a process of maturation. The longer it is stored, pu-erh tea aroma becomes more palatable. Pu-erh tea is still "raw" sometimes kept up to 30 years or even 50 years in order to mature. Specialist field of tea and tea enthusiasts have not met an agreement about the optimal duration of storage are considered. Storage for 10 to 15 years is often considered sufficient, although pu-erh tea can be drunk after being stored for less than a year. Pu-erh tea drinks made by boiling pu-erh tea leaves in boiling water often up to five minutes. Tibetan people have the habit of drinking pu-erh tea mixed with yak butter from lemal, sugar and salt.

yellow tea
Designation for high quality tea served in the imperial palace or tea from tea leaves are processed as green tea but with a slower drying process.

Low quality tea from a mixture of leaves and leaf stalks of old tea plucking results of the second, and roasted on a griddle.

Green tea mixed with popcorn from rice that has not disosoh, aromatic and very popular in Japan.

flower tea
Green tea or black tea that is processed or mixed with flowers. Flower tea is the most popular jasmine tea (Heung pin in Cantonese, Hua Cha in Chinese language) which is a mixture of green tea or oolong tea mixed with jasmine flowers. Other flowers are often used as a mixture of tea is a rose, lotus, lychee and chrysanthemums.

Tea is also often associated with its use for health. Green tea and pu-erh tea is often used to a diet. People also often link the tea with the balance of ying yang. Green tea tend yin, black tea tends that, while oolong tea is considered balanced. Pu-erh tea is brown considered to contain energy and often mixed chrysanthemums that has to be balanced yin energy.

herb tea
Most brands of tea sold in the market is the result of expert herb tea that makes a unique blend of the brand from a variety of different tea leaves. Good taste of high quality tea and expensive to cover the taste of tea is usually low quality, so that the quality of tea can increase and can be sold at a more reasonable price. Tea decoction also keep a sense of a certain brand owned tea remained stable throughout the period.

Jasmine tea is made by mixing jasmine buds ready to bloom. Before being mixed with jasmine buds, leaf tea experience humidification process so fragrant jasmine tea leaves can stick to.

Tea contains antioxidants called catechins kind. In the fresh tea leaf, catechins levels can reach 30% of the dry weight. Green tea and white tea contains catechins were high, while black tea contains less catechins as catechins lost in the oxidation process. Tea also contains caffeine (approximately 3% of the dry weight, or about 40 mg per cup), theophylline and theobromine in small amounts.

tea bag
Tea is packed in a small bag that is usually made of paper. Teabag is very popular because it is practical to make tea, but tea lover heavyweight usually do not like the taste of the tea bag. Sari Wangi is pioneering teabag local brand in Indonesia.

Brewed tea (tea leaves)
Tea packed in cans or wrapped with plastic wrap or paper. Dose of tea can be arranged to suit the tastes and often not practical. Tea tea strainer is used so that the float did not participate swallowed. In addition, the tea can also be included in the bag before the brewed tea. Chinese tea bowl with a lid origin called gaiwan can be used to filter the tea leaves while pouring tea into another bowl of tea.

Pressed Tea
Tea pressed so solid for the purposes of storage and maturation. Pu erh tea is sold in solid form and taken little by little, as I turned to drink. Tea that has been pressed to have a longer shelf life than regular tea leaves.

tea sticks
Tea is packed in a thin stick of aluminum sheet that has small holes that serves as a tea strainer.

instant tea
Living tea powder dissolved in hot water or cold water. Was first created in 1930 but was not produced until the end of the 1950s. Instant tea there who have a sense of vanilla, honey, fruit or mixed with milk powder.

Benefits of green tea
Probably most women have heard the benefits of green tea for breast health. However, perhaps some still doubt the truth. Now doubt has been missed. Compounds contained in green tea can protect it from attacks breast cancer.
Green tea turned out to be very beneficial to the health of the body, other than as a laxative can also be a powerful medicine ... ?? !! It was revealed from the beginning of the study conducted by US researchers. In the experiment, they provide steeping green tea to some rats, while others only get plain water.

Apparently, the mice who drank green tea benefit encouraging. Decreasing breast tumor size and ferocity was reduced compared to mice that drank only water. In addition, tumors of mice who drank tea and then grow more slowly and are no longer attacking healthy cells.

Of course, these findings further reinforce the notion that tea is very beneficial to the health of a woman's breasts. Because, based on the observations so far in countries that diligently consume green tea every day, the level of female breast cancer is very low. For them, the tea is regarded as one of the healthy foods.

In addition, the main researcher, Dr. Gail Sonenshein, even said that the tea does not have adverse side effects. Therefore, people should not be afraid to consume three to five cups of tea per day. No matter if people are diligent drinking green tea as a precautionary measure.

Lecturer in biochemistry from Boston University School of Medicine is added, especially green tea can prevent breast cancer caused by environmental factors. However, he recommends that patients who are undergoing radiation or chemotherapy breast cancer should consult with a doctor before he tried to drink a lot of tea.

According to a study published in the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, July 2001 edition, the content of polyphenolic compounds in tea that is very much a role as protective against cancer. Polyphenols are classified in a very powerful antioxidant. These compounds will neutralize free radicals that cause cancer.
Free radicals themselves are formed naturally in the body. These molecules can damage human cells. People suspect that this is one of the molecular causes of cancer, including various types of other diseases such as heart disease and aging.

According to the study, green tea leaves that have been dried consists of 40% polyphenols. In addition to fighting breast cancer, these substances are also believed to reduce the risk of gastric cancer, lung, colon, rectum, liver, and pancreas.


Benefits and efficacy of olive oil

OLIVE (Olea europaea) is a small tree of annual and perennial green, the young fruit can be eaten raw or after preserved as a refresher. Old fruit is squeezed and the oil extracted olive oil can be used for various purposes. Olives are grouped into tribes Oleaceae.

Olive plants have characteristics include:

1. Grow as a shrub has a bell-shaped flowers
2. Single leaf by leaf position dealing without leverage
3. sissy or unisexual flowers and fruit ride
4. The fruit in the form of stone fruit with seeds have endosperm.

Olives begin to bear fruit at the age of five years and can reach thousands of years old, so that was a clump has become a big tree. Olive trees that lived thousands of years of which have been found in Palestine which survived until 2000 years.
Distribution covers the areas of temperate climates heat up. Most species are found in Asia and the Mediterranean. This plant is still allied with jasmine (Jasminum sambac).

Olive leaf stalk is often used as a symbol of peace and has long been a part of Western culture. In this society olive branch became a symbol of peace and has grown since hundreds of years ago to take a delicious fruit. The philosophy of the essence that we can take with olive growing will bring peace.

Many of the benefits of this olive tree. In addition to the delicious fruit, the wood of the olive tree is also very nice, loud and beautiful. In addition to edible olives are also used as a food flavoring. When squeezed fruit, we can obtain oil. This oil can be used as a salad dressing and later widely used for cosmetic ingredients that can keep moisture and firmness of the skin that are believed to make the skin youthful.

It seemed there were not familiar with zaitun.walaupun possible between us had never seen or consume us all as Muslims are not familiar with it. Because the Qur'an preserve it as a tree in the blessed. So no wonder, then, that researchers and modern scientists are discovering the benefits and efficacy of these olive trees. Nothing wrong with us examine some more about the benefits of these olives for us especially the sisters who want to still look healthy and beautiful (Insha Allah) with zaitun.Ibnul Qayyim Al-Jauziyah Zaadul Maad explains in his book about the virtues of the olive tree:

God He will say about Olives: "That is lit with oil from a blessed tree, (ie) olive tree that grows not in the east nor its western side, the oil just barely illuminating, though no fire touched" (An-Nur: 35)

Imam Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah narrated with the jayyid, from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah, peace and blessings be upon our Prophet respectfully said: "Eat olive oil and minyakilah with him, because he comes from a tree blessed"
Then Ibn al-Qayyim continues again that: the quality of olive oil depends on the quality of the fruit zaitun.Perasan of ripe fruit is the most baik.Minyak of raw olives are cold and dry. oil from olives medium quality red and black olives on the properties of hot and humid in seimbang.Ia beneficial to liberate toxins and remove cacing.semua this type of oil to soften the skin and inhibit the growth of gray hair. olives are salty water good for scars due to fire and strengthen gusi.Sedangkan olive leaves are used to treat wounds, itching and prevent sweat. (Zaadul Maad case: 333)

No wonder that the Arabs consume lots of fruits and at the same zaitu this oil. Among them there are enough to eat olive oil with Arabic bread. Usually Arab women anoint their hair with olive oil before going to bed and then wash the next day making it heavy, not easy to fall off and length.

In addition to the young mothers (sisters) who is pregnant with olive oil turns even this can be used to lubricate the abdomen that sometimes itching and reduces wrinkles around the stomach when the diligent use, insha'Allah. The modern beauty experts use olive oil in the manufacture of their beauty cream to eliminate wrinkles after giving birth.

Getting to know some more about this olive, olive fruit preserves are often used in mixed dishes such as salads, pizza, mezze of Greece or for a mix of tapas from Spain.
In the culinary world, in addition to whole olives, oil is also very famous. Olive oil is pale yellow to dark green is monounsaturated vegetable oils. Of course it can also add nutritional value in food. There are three types of olive oil on the market. Usually available in bottles or large cans. There are two types of olives are green and black. Until now Spain and Italy is still the leader in producing olive oil.
fruit of the plants that grow in this Mediterranean land, is also used to maintain smoothness and skin beauty queens Romans and Egyptians in ancient times and it is not a secret anymore.

Apparently, the belief of the Romans to the olive efficacy has now been revealed. The proof, the experts were of the opinion that the nutrients contained in the olive fruit is physiologically and clinically useful. Physiologically, olive useful to speed up the digestive process. While clinically, it has a function as the prevention of colon cancer, bladder disease, heart disease, and capable of being able to lower cholesterol levels.
Evergreen tree along the abundant benefits for health. Starting from a hard wood, fruit either raw or cooked, and oil, can be used for various purposes
In addition, the benefits of olives for the pharmaceutical and chemical very much, this is because the oil content of monounsaturated classified. Waste olive oil itself can still be used as fuel, fertilizer and animal food and lubricants. Meanwhile, olive seeds can be used as a plastic mold products. In the world of beauty olives also played a role, proved to be some beauty products are also many who use this fruit.

Olive oil (olive oil) is a mainstay drug ancient Egyptians and Romans since time immemorial. Even now, olive oil is very popular among the Egyptians to the Mediterranean, not only as part of cooking, but also plays a role maintaining their health.
This is evidenced by Dimitros Trichopoulus, professor of the Harvard School of Public Health in the US are investigating the relationship between the amount of olive oil consumption with breast cancer growth.
From a study involving 2300 women at least known that women who consume olive oil more than once in a day have a chance of developing breast cancer 25% lower than women who consumed less olive oil. And the fact that women of Egypt and the Mediterranean less breast cancer than American women.

Olive oil contains vitamin E, which is needed to stop the damage to trigger cancer cells. In addition, it contains polyphenols which act as free radical penghadang said again.
So we all have to know how barakahnya this tree. For ukhti Muslim who love scrubs then even this olive oil can be used for body scrubs before bathing, inshallah if used regularly in the ukhti skin will look smoother and fresher. Well, why not try ... do not forget if there are brothers and sisters who want safar Umrah or Haj besides entrusted zam-zam water as a by-by no harm in asking also be sent along with his olive oil. Allaah 'bish-shawwab nature.

Olives long been known for its usefulness for health. Consists of:
Increases metabolism
Eat 1/2 cup olives setiah day can prevent obesity. These properties come from monounsaturated fats which accelerates fat burning and prevent the sugar is converted into fat. In addition, an in the British Journal of Nutrition found that monounsaturated fatty acids stimulate cholecystokini, a hormone-suppressing appetite send satiety signals to the brain.
Revitalize the immune system
Olives rich with fat-soluble vitamin E, which protects cells from free radicals are harmful. These antioxidants strengthen the immune system, reduce diseases such as colds and flu to 30%, according to researchers at Tufts University in Boston.

Smooth Skin
Eating olives which are the richest source of oleic acid, helps reduce the appearance of fine lines. These fatty acids can be rubbery skin and protect the skin from damage elastin.

Improve circulation
Olives are an excellent source of polyphenols, antioxidant compounds that help prevent dangerous blood clots. A study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology linking these compounds with increased levels of nitric oxide, a molecule that increases the heart healthy blood vessel dilation and blood flow.
If you love to eat foods in the Mediterranean Sea, of course familiar with the olives are often mixed in the menu. It seemed that the acid reacted contrast to the mengudapnya: very happy or not happy at all.
The olive fruit was processed in various forms, there are dried, pickled or used squeezed to take the oil, which is then mixed into the diet so that it has a distinctive taste, however, not only as a flavor enhancer alone, olive oil for thousands of years also proved to be one of the secrets of caring for the body.

Utilizing olive oil (olive oil) for beauty
1. If applied to the crown of the head, olive oil will help nourish the hair thus making it black and dense.
Because of this reason, it is said, is practiced by Cleopatra in the past. It can be mixed with regular use of shampoo everyday wear then rinse thoroughly.

2. Not only for hair, olive oil also provides its own benefits if applied on the face, especially for dry face and began to wrinkles.
This is not because the olives contain oil by 15 percent so as to moisturize the skin well. On the other hand, the moisture will keep the elasticity of the skin so as to minimize the appearance of premature wrinkles. Some are doing it is mixed with other ingredients, such as avocado and some are directly applying pure olive oil to the face.
Spread evenly on the surface of the face and neck every night and let stand for about 10 minutes. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly. While applying to the face, give a little massage because the oil can also help relax the muscles in the face after a long day. If done regularly, the skin will look more fresh.

3. Similarly for health care for the skin in the body as a whole, which can be applied when taking a shower.
Leather body will retain moisture and looks more radiant. With a variety of these benefits, I wonder if olive oil is also commonly found as one of the formulas used in a beauty product.

How do you take care of yourself during this time? With a salon to pamper yourself? Well .. Save your money and try to switch to olive oil. Yep! This oil is well known efficacy for treating skin beauty. Wow .. What are its functions huh? Let's refer to this one.

Who does not know of olive oil? The oil is also known as olive oil is already so popular with the natural benefits for beauty. Try just look at the collection of your hair or skin care. Maybe there are clearly included olive oil as the main ingredient potions, or simply include them in the ingredients as one of the content.

Actually, what the hell is the efficacy of the olive oil so far before you, Cleopatra was already using it? Pictured Cleo long hair and heavy black? Not surprisingly, he made himself the shampoo formula and combine it with olive oil. You can also follow in his footsteps. For the hair, mix olive oil with a few drops of your favorite shampoo can dislodge dandruff shampoo is more accurate than if the work is itself a favorite.

For those who have problems with dry skin, olive back role. You stay combine avocado with three tablespoons of olive oil and then blended. Rub the mixture over the face, leave ten minutes and rinse. The result, which was originally dry skin will feel moist in a relatively long time.
Wrinkled skin problems can still be handled by the sophistication of the olive oil. Massage on the loose with a mixture of olive oil and fresh lemon juice before bedtime can reduce the level of kekeriputan. Instead, massage with olive oil on the tense muscles as a result of daily activities that are too heavy can relax these muscles.

Even up to now many outstanding beauty with a chemical concoction that claimed not dangerous, it turns out this is not discourage consumers to continue to use ingredients that are completely natural. After all, it is something that comes from nature will be more natural and has no harmful side effects.

Klasika, Compass March 23, 2008

Benefits and efficacy of coffee

COFFEE is a kind of drink, usually served hot, and prepared from the seeds of the coffee plant that is baked. Currently coffee is a commodity second most traded after petroleum. A total of 6.7 million tons of coffee produced in the period 1998 to 2000 alone. It is estimated that in 2010, world coffee production will reach 7 million tonnes per year (FAO). Coffee is a major source of caffeine.
The history of coffee can be traced from around the 9th century, in the highlands Eithopia. From there then spread to Egypt and Yemen, and then in the fifteenth century to reach a wider Persia, Egypt, Turkie and northern Africa.

At first coffee was less accepted by most people. In 1511, due to stimulating effect, banned by the conservative, orthodox imams at a theological court in Mecca. However, due to the popularity of this drink, then the ban in 1524 on the orders of Sultan Selim I of the Ottoman Turks. In Cairo, Egypt, a similar ban was also passed in 1532, where coffee and coffee warehouse is closed.

From the Muslim world, coffee spread to Europe, where it became popular during the 17th century. The Dutch were the first to import coffee on a large scale to Europe, and eventually smuggled seeds in 1690, due to the plant or the raw seeds are not allowed outside the Arab region. It then continues on a coffee plantation in Java by the Dutch.
When coffee reached the American colonies, was initially not as successful in Europe, as a poor substitute for alcohol. However, during the Revolutionary War, the demand for coffee increased, until the dealers had to hoard their scarce supplies and raise prices dramatically; in part this is due to the reduced availability of tea from British merchants. Interest of Americans to grow coffee in the early 19th century, following the War of 1812, which temporarily cut off access to tea imports, and also because of advancements in brewing technology, the position of coffee as an everyday commodity in the United States rose.
Types of coffee beans
There are two species of coffee plant; Arabica coffee is traditional, and is considered the most tasty, Robusta has a higher caffeine can is developed in an environment where Arabica will not grow, and make it a cheap substitute for Arabica. Robusta usually do not enjoy themselves, because it tastes bitter and sour. High quality Robusta is usually used in some espresso blends.
Arabica coffee is usually called by the dock where they are exported, the two oldest is Mocha and Java. Modern coffee trade is more specific about where they came from, coffee labeling on the basis of countries, regions, and sometimes the author field.
One type of coffee that is unusual and very expensive is robusta in Indonesia called civet coffee. This coffee is collected from civet droppings, which pencernaanya process gives a unique flavor.

Benefits of coffee
Coffee, the black silencer drowsiness again proved as rich beverage properties, if the previous study decaffeinated, one of the content of coffee, can reduce the risk of diabetes, improving blood circulation and relieve dizziness, turns coffee can also make sperm can swim faster and stimulate male fertility .
A study by a group of researchers from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil said the man who regularly drink a cup of coffee every morning to have sperm able to swim more agile than men who never drank coffee in the morning.
They studied 750 men who will perform vasectomy and divide it into four groups based on the amount of coffee they consume, namely: those who do not drink coffee, light coffee drinkers (between one to three cups of coffee per day), moderate coffee drinkers (between four-six cups per day) and heavy coffee drinkers (more than six cups per day). This study used a 100ml cup size scale.

As a result, those who regularly consume coffee a day had sperm quality is much healthier than those who do not consume coffee.
The content of caffeine in coffee helps sperm able to swim faster than helping improve sperm sample in the process of IVF (in vitro fertilization), the method of fertilization outside the womb.
The research published in the Journal of the results of the conference of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, in San Antonio.

Meanwhile, in a separate study conducted State University of New York, Buffalo menuebutkan coffee is far better than cannabis which proved shorten the life of sperm, erectile disorders and potentially reduce fertility significantly.

A cup of coffee help overcome numbness
A cup of strong coffee may have more benefits than just make people awake until morning, drink it also can prevent people developing multiple sclerosis / MS (multiple sclerosis).

Some researchers in Oklahoma found that mice appeared to be protected from conditions such as MS -mati sense in which the whole body by drinking six to eight cups of coffee per day. "This is an exciting finding and unexpected, and I think it could be important for the study of MS and other diseases," said Linda Thompson, from the Oklahoma Medical Researh Foundation.

Caffeine prevents adenosine, one of the four building blocks in DNA, mixed with the receptor in mice. Adenosine is common molecule in humans and plays a major role in helping to control the biochemical processes for sleep and suppressing arousal.

These findings may have important implications for other diseases such as autoimmune lupus and arthritis, the researchers said. However, there is still much work to be done further research since mice are not human, so it may not be too sure whether caffeine will have the same effect in humans susceptible to MS without further testing.

As many as 2.5 million people worldwide are thought to suffer from multiple sclerosis, disorders of the central nervous system resulting in loss of muscle coordination.
