Benefits of sweet potato

SWEET potato or sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is a plant whose roots are edible. There are various types of potatoes in corners of this earth.
Potato starch, sucrose, and cellulose. Sweet potatoes also contain carbohydrates that are needed by the human body.

The high cost of rice commodity lately is felt by all the people of Indonesia, although the development of food security has been initiated since long. The increasing price of all basic needs (not just rice) cause we have to think to exploit the natural resources that exist. Is not the time to find out who is wrong and who should be responsible prepared in this regard, but it would be more useful if we jointly find the best solution to get out of the problem.

Sumber : Direktorat Gizi Depkes RI, 1981, Suismono, 1995)
One of the countless food commodities in Indonesia is very large tubers. In addition to the production lot number, type of tubers have good enough nutrients to replace rice as a staple food. Ubi rich in prebiotics, fiber and antioxidants. One type of tubers of the most famous is the sweet potato.

Sweet potato is an important food commodity in Indonesia that can be processed into a variety of food and Cultivated Populations ranging from lowlands to highlands. Sweet potato plants have nutritional content is Able to adapt in less fertile areas and cleaning. Thus Spake this plant can be grown throughout the year.
In this case the targets to be Achieved is to increase of added value, develop agricultural processing businesses, reduce post-harvest losses and the development of supporting industries of agriculture (Hanani: 2003).
Sweet potato or yam or "sweet potato" probably derived from the American continent. The botanist and agricultural estimate the origin of sweet potato plants are New Zealand, Polynesian and American middle. Sweet potatoes begin to spread throughout the world, especially countries in the tropical climate of the 16th century. The Spaniards spread the sweet potato into Asia, par- ticularly the Philippines, Japan and Indonesia. In on certain areas, the sweet potato is a staple food commodities. Sweet potato can be processed into various shapes or various kinds of processed products.
Some opportunities diversify the type of use yams be processed materials are: 1. Leaves: vegetables, fodder
2. Stem: planting materials, animal feed
3. Skin potato: fodder
4. Fresh potatoes: groceries
5. Flour: food
6. Starch: dermentasi, fodder, citric acid
One of the results of the processing of cassava that is easy and can be useful for the community is made potato flour.

Some of the benefits of sweet potatoes
Can be used to cure night blindness. Half fist red sweet potatoes washed and shredded. After that, disampur with 3 tablespoons of cooking water and 2 tablespoons of honey. Then squeezed and filtered. Drink filtered water concoction is 3 times a day until healed.
As a hangover on the way. Take a taste of sweet potatoes, wash and eat little by little during the trip.
Chemical constituents in sweet potatoes are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories, fiber, ash, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamin B1, B2, C, and nicotinic acid. According to expert Prof. Hembing Wijayakusuma medicinal plants, yams have chemical properties sweet, cool, astringent. Efficacious pharmacological effects as a tonic, to stop the bleeding. The part that can be used is potato and leaves. Sweet potato can be used to cope with diabetes (diabetes mellitus), How to take 100 grams of yam, 15 grams of pumpkin skin Bligo (Benincasa hispida), and 50 grams of avocado seeds boiled with 1,000 cc of water until the remaining 500 cc. Then filtered and drunk the water, while ubinya eaten.
