Benefits of fish oil

TYPE oil this one is not to fry tempeh or crackers. Fish oil is very good for the growth and development of the child.

Yes, although classified as family-minyakan oil, fish oil for frying but not a "food" additional source of nutrients. In fact, fish oil, including food sources of fat low cholesterol, so the nutrition and health experts have agreed to give the label "safe" for consumption by infants, toddlers, and adults.

Although a good nutritional value, but the oil content in fish is determined by several factors, namely fish species, sex, age (maturity level), seasons, spawning cycle, and the geographic location of the waters where the fish live.

Why is it better?
Actually, types of fatty acids in fish oil, there are three, namely:
- Unsaturated fatty acids (do not have a double bond in the carbon chain), such as palmitate.
- Monounsaturated fatty acids (have one double bond in the carbon chain), for example oleic.
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids (has more than one double bond in the carbon chain), for example, linoleic, linolenic, Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and dokosaheksanoat acid (DHA).
All you need to know, the longer the carbon chain of a type of fatty acid and the greater number of double bonds in the carbon chain constituent, the fatty acids it will be "rich" health benefits.
Fish oil is one of the nutrients that contain fatty acids that benefit the rich, because it contains approximately 25% saturated fatty acids and 75% unsaturated fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (polyunsaturated fatty acids / PUFA) in it will help the growth and development of the brain (intelligence), as well as the development of the sense of sight and the immune system of infants and toddlers.
There are 2 types of PUFAs are very famous, namely DHA and EPA, where the combined configuration of carbon atoms are both known as omega-3. Marine fish species are "rich" content of omega-3 include salmon, tuna (especially bluefin tuna, yellow fin tuna, and albacore), sardines, herring, mackerel, and shellfish.

Fish oil also contains vitamins A and D -two types of vitamins are soluble in fats in high amounts. Benefits of Vitamin A helps the development of the eye, while the vitamin D for the growth and formation of strong bones. Well, the two levels of this vitamin in the body of the fish will increase in line with increasing age. Generally, levels of vitamin A in fish oil ranged between 1000-1000000 SI (International Standard) per gram, while vitamin D around 50-30000 SI per gram.

How much should be consumed?
Consumption of fish oil per day infants and toddlers are based on weight. For example, if your child's weight 10 kg, he consume enough fish oil as much as one teaspoon per day. If the weight more than 10 kg, use a tablespoon servings form, because the amount of their needs will also increase.

Actually, there is no way easy set-dose fish oil consumption for children. Just follow the rules that exist in the packaging. Fish oil products syrup for children who are sold on the market generally have added other nutrients, so the size of the dosage was adjusted between existing nutrient content to the needs of the child. However, if you feel the need, it is better if it is to consult your pediatrician.

What also needs to be addressed is how fish oil storage. Given the fat oxidation process which can damage the quality of fish oil could happen anywhere (consequently become rancid), keep the fish oil in a sealed container and place it in a cool place.

Fish oil heart Sehatkan
Benefits of heart-healthy fish oils regained certainty. Darius Mozzafarian research results of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston prove it. Mozzafarian conducted a study of 11 324 patients with heart disease. They were divided into three groups, namely that given a fish oil supplement that had the omega-3, vitamin E supplement, and are in no way given supplements.

As a result, the group taking fish oil supplements as much as one gram per day, reduce the risk of sudden fatal heart attack 45%, and reduces the risk of death from heart attack others as much as 30%. Research in 1970 found the Eskimos are very small risk of heart panyakit. The main factor because they eat a lot of fish. Mozzaffarian add the right fish oil consumption is two to four grams per day, and the right fish consumption is twice a week.

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