Benefits and efficacy of olive oil

OLIVE (Olea europaea) is a small tree of annual and perennial green, the young fruit can be eaten raw or after preserved as a refresher. Old fruit is squeezed and the oil extracted olive oil can be used for various purposes. Olives are grouped into tribes Oleaceae.

Olive plants have characteristics include:

1. Grow as a shrub has a bell-shaped flowers
2. Single leaf by leaf position dealing without leverage
3. sissy or unisexual flowers and fruit ride
4. The fruit in the form of stone fruit with seeds have endosperm.

Olives begin to bear fruit at the age of five years and can reach thousands of years old, so that was a clump has become a big tree. Olive trees that lived thousands of years of which have been found in Palestine which survived until 2000 years.
Distribution covers the areas of temperate climates heat up. Most species are found in Asia and the Mediterranean. This plant is still allied with jasmine (Jasminum sambac).

Olive leaf stalk is often used as a symbol of peace and has long been a part of Western culture. In this society olive branch became a symbol of peace and has grown since hundreds of years ago to take a delicious fruit. The philosophy of the essence that we can take with olive growing will bring peace.

Many of the benefits of this olive tree. In addition to the delicious fruit, the wood of the olive tree is also very nice, loud and beautiful. In addition to edible olives are also used as a food flavoring. When squeezed fruit, we can obtain oil. This oil can be used as a salad dressing and later widely used for cosmetic ingredients that can keep moisture and firmness of the skin that are believed to make the skin youthful.

It seemed there were not familiar with zaitun.walaupun possible between us had never seen or consume us all as Muslims are not familiar with it. Because the Qur'an preserve it as a tree in the blessed. So no wonder, then, that researchers and modern scientists are discovering the benefits and efficacy of these olive trees. Nothing wrong with us examine some more about the benefits of these olives for us especially the sisters who want to still look healthy and beautiful (Insha Allah) with zaitun.Ibnul Qayyim Al-Jauziyah Zaadul Maad explains in his book about the virtues of the olive tree:

God He will say about Olives: "That is lit with oil from a blessed tree, (ie) olive tree that grows not in the east nor its western side, the oil just barely illuminating, though no fire touched" (An-Nur: 35)

Imam Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah narrated with the jayyid, from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah, peace and blessings be upon our Prophet respectfully said: "Eat olive oil and minyakilah with him, because he comes from a tree blessed"
Then Ibn al-Qayyim continues again that: the quality of olive oil depends on the quality of the fruit zaitun.Perasan of ripe fruit is the most baik.Minyak of raw olives are cold and dry. oil from olives medium quality red and black olives on the properties of hot and humid in seimbang.Ia beneficial to liberate toxins and remove cacing.semua this type of oil to soften the skin and inhibit the growth of gray hair. olives are salty water good for scars due to fire and strengthen gusi.Sedangkan olive leaves are used to treat wounds, itching and prevent sweat. (Zaadul Maad case: 333)

No wonder that the Arabs consume lots of fruits and at the same zaitu this oil. Among them there are enough to eat olive oil with Arabic bread. Usually Arab women anoint their hair with olive oil before going to bed and then wash the next day making it heavy, not easy to fall off and length.

In addition to the young mothers (sisters) who is pregnant with olive oil turns even this can be used to lubricate the abdomen that sometimes itching and reduces wrinkles around the stomach when the diligent use, insha'Allah. The modern beauty experts use olive oil in the manufacture of their beauty cream to eliminate wrinkles after giving birth.

Getting to know some more about this olive, olive fruit preserves are often used in mixed dishes such as salads, pizza, mezze of Greece or for a mix of tapas from Spain.
In the culinary world, in addition to whole olives, oil is also very famous. Olive oil is pale yellow to dark green is monounsaturated vegetable oils. Of course it can also add nutritional value in food. There are three types of olive oil on the market. Usually available in bottles or large cans. There are two types of olives are green and black. Until now Spain and Italy is still the leader in producing olive oil.
fruit of the plants that grow in this Mediterranean land, is also used to maintain smoothness and skin beauty queens Romans and Egyptians in ancient times and it is not a secret anymore.

Apparently, the belief of the Romans to the olive efficacy has now been revealed. The proof, the experts were of the opinion that the nutrients contained in the olive fruit is physiologically and clinically useful. Physiologically, olive useful to speed up the digestive process. While clinically, it has a function as the prevention of colon cancer, bladder disease, heart disease, and capable of being able to lower cholesterol levels.
Evergreen tree along the abundant benefits for health. Starting from a hard wood, fruit either raw or cooked, and oil, can be used for various purposes
In addition, the benefits of olives for the pharmaceutical and chemical very much, this is because the oil content of monounsaturated classified. Waste olive oil itself can still be used as fuel, fertilizer and animal food and lubricants. Meanwhile, olive seeds can be used as a plastic mold products. In the world of beauty olives also played a role, proved to be some beauty products are also many who use this fruit.

Olive oil (olive oil) is a mainstay drug ancient Egyptians and Romans since time immemorial. Even now, olive oil is very popular among the Egyptians to the Mediterranean, not only as part of cooking, but also plays a role maintaining their health.
This is evidenced by Dimitros Trichopoulus, professor of the Harvard School of Public Health in the US are investigating the relationship between the amount of olive oil consumption with breast cancer growth.
From a study involving 2300 women at least known that women who consume olive oil more than once in a day have a chance of developing breast cancer 25% lower than women who consumed less olive oil. And the fact that women of Egypt and the Mediterranean less breast cancer than American women.

Olive oil contains vitamin E, which is needed to stop the damage to trigger cancer cells. In addition, it contains polyphenols which act as free radical penghadang said again.
So we all have to know how barakahnya this tree. For ukhti Muslim who love scrubs then even this olive oil can be used for body scrubs before bathing, inshallah if used regularly in the ukhti skin will look smoother and fresher. Well, why not try ... do not forget if there are brothers and sisters who want safar Umrah or Haj besides entrusted zam-zam water as a by-by no harm in asking also be sent along with his olive oil. Allaah 'bish-shawwab nature.

Olives long been known for its usefulness for health. Consists of:
Increases metabolism
Eat 1/2 cup olives setiah day can prevent obesity. These properties come from monounsaturated fats which accelerates fat burning and prevent the sugar is converted into fat. In addition, an in the British Journal of Nutrition found that monounsaturated fatty acids stimulate cholecystokini, a hormone-suppressing appetite send satiety signals to the brain.
Revitalize the immune system
Olives rich with fat-soluble vitamin E, which protects cells from free radicals are harmful. These antioxidants strengthen the immune system, reduce diseases such as colds and flu to 30%, according to researchers at Tufts University in Boston.

Smooth Skin
Eating olives which are the richest source of oleic acid, helps reduce the appearance of fine lines. These fatty acids can be rubbery skin and protect the skin from damage elastin.

Improve circulation
Olives are an excellent source of polyphenols, antioxidant compounds that help prevent dangerous blood clots. A study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology linking these compounds with increased levels of nitric oxide, a molecule that increases the heart healthy blood vessel dilation and blood flow.
If you love to eat foods in the Mediterranean Sea, of course familiar with the olives are often mixed in the menu. It seemed that the acid reacted contrast to the mengudapnya: very happy or not happy at all.
The olive fruit was processed in various forms, there are dried, pickled or used squeezed to take the oil, which is then mixed into the diet so that it has a distinctive taste, however, not only as a flavor enhancer alone, olive oil for thousands of years also proved to be one of the secrets of caring for the body.

Utilizing olive oil (olive oil) for beauty
1. If applied to the crown of the head, olive oil will help nourish the hair thus making it black and dense.
Because of this reason, it is said, is practiced by Cleopatra in the past. It can be mixed with regular use of shampoo everyday wear then rinse thoroughly.

2. Not only for hair, olive oil also provides its own benefits if applied on the face, especially for dry face and began to wrinkles.
This is not because the olives contain oil by 15 percent so as to moisturize the skin well. On the other hand, the moisture will keep the elasticity of the skin so as to minimize the appearance of premature wrinkles. Some are doing it is mixed with other ingredients, such as avocado and some are directly applying pure olive oil to the face.
Spread evenly on the surface of the face and neck every night and let stand for about 10 minutes. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly. While applying to the face, give a little massage because the oil can also help relax the muscles in the face after a long day. If done regularly, the skin will look more fresh.

3. Similarly for health care for the skin in the body as a whole, which can be applied when taking a shower.
Leather body will retain moisture and looks more radiant. With a variety of these benefits, I wonder if olive oil is also commonly found as one of the formulas used in a beauty product.

How do you take care of yourself during this time? With a salon to pamper yourself? Well .. Save your money and try to switch to olive oil. Yep! This oil is well known efficacy for treating skin beauty. Wow .. What are its functions huh? Let's refer to this one.

Who does not know of olive oil? The oil is also known as olive oil is already so popular with the natural benefits for beauty. Try just look at the collection of your hair or skin care. Maybe there are clearly included olive oil as the main ingredient potions, or simply include them in the ingredients as one of the content.

Actually, what the hell is the efficacy of the olive oil so far before you, Cleopatra was already using it? Pictured Cleo long hair and heavy black? Not surprisingly, he made himself the shampoo formula and combine it with olive oil. You can also follow in his footsteps. For the hair, mix olive oil with a few drops of your favorite shampoo can dislodge dandruff shampoo is more accurate than if the work is itself a favorite.

For those who have problems with dry skin, olive back role. You stay combine avocado with three tablespoons of olive oil and then blended. Rub the mixture over the face, leave ten minutes and rinse. The result, which was originally dry skin will feel moist in a relatively long time.
Wrinkled skin problems can still be handled by the sophistication of the olive oil. Massage on the loose with a mixture of olive oil and fresh lemon juice before bedtime can reduce the level of kekeriputan. Instead, massage with olive oil on the tense muscles as a result of daily activities that are too heavy can relax these muscles.

Even up to now many outstanding beauty with a chemical concoction that claimed not dangerous, it turns out this is not discourage consumers to continue to use ingredients that are completely natural. After all, it is something that comes from nature will be more natural and has no harmful side effects.

Klasika, Compass March 23, 2008